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Happy Friday to you!

This is Jason Cannon with Ibis Books, where the launches just keep a-comin'!

One week from tomorrow--that would be Saturday, November 18--we will be launching BE THE PROTAGONIST, by Maria Schaedler-Luera. It'll be available as an ebook at the Ibis Bookstore and as a paperback at Amazon.

But you can also come to the launch event at Dream Large in Sarasota, 1-3pm, and buy a copy and meet Maria and have her sign your book and even win some prizes! Check it out!


RSVP for the launch of BE THE PROTAGONIST

And hit this other button below to read a free preview from her book!



And last week was the launch of THROUGH THE IMPOSSIBLE by Matthew Ames. That launch event was held at Dad's Garage, an improv comedy theatre up in Atlanta. If you ever get the chance, check them out, they are friggin' hilaaaarious.

Here are some pics from that launch!


Georgia Super Lawyer Matthew, Liz, book, theatre


Georgia Super Lawyer Matthew, friends, book, theatre


Liz, friends, books, theatre.

Sidenote: publishers love it when customers buy multiple copies.

I cannot recommend this book highly enough.

Sure, I published it, so I'm biased, but it's inspiring and heart-breaking and heart-mending. For those of you who have read it already, here's another great pic Matthew (my favorite Georgia Super Lawyer-turned-author, like, EVER) sent me. Here again is his wife Liz, the force of nature human who initially encouraged Matthew to write his story, and Dr. Charles Staley, who performed the surgery that saved her life and figures prominently in the book as well. It's always great to put faces with names.


Looks like Dr. Staley is a Titleist man with really good taste in books.

Check out a free preview, grab the ebook at the Ibis Bookstore, or the paperback at Amazon. And if you've already read it, leave us a review! :)


And of course, a month ago my awesome momma launched WHO WRECKED THE WITCH-A-THON?

GOOD NEWS--the dang hardback is finally available again over at The tech gremlins have been vanquished!

And because it's nice to have choices, you can get the ebook over at the Ibis Bookstore, or the paperback at Amazon.


I want to take a quick moment to thank you all for spending these few minutes with me each week. Your encouragement and emails (and, sure, yes, your purchases) mean far more to me (and my flock of Ibis authors!) than you realize.

All gratitude--

Jason "No Such Thing as Launch Fatigue" Cannon