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Three French Hens??

Happy Friday!

This is Jason Cannon with Ibis Books, and this morning I went down a bit of a rabbit hole while trying to come up with a snazzy subject line.

See, I've got three cool things to share with you today, and in the spirit of the season I thought, "Hey! Three French Hens! From the song and such!"


Nailed it.

But then I thought, "You know, I've never really understood why they were three French hens. And also, when you really think about that song... why are six of the first seven gifts birds??"

Check it out:

1: partridge

2: turtle doves

3: French hens

4: calling birds

6: geese a-laying

7: swans a-swimming

I mean... come on. Seriously. Wings and feathers galore. Google activated.

First discovery: the five golden rings probably also refer to birds! Either European Goldfinches (also called goldspinks back in the 18th century) or Ring-necked Pheasants. So, 12 days of Christmas, and for the first 7... you get birds.

Second discovery: we are supposed to eat these birds. Yeah, the song, originally, was all about culinary plans for poultry to be served at the big drunken holiday party squooshed between days of religious reflection.

Third discovery: the feast is made complete by those 8 maids a-milking (need something to wash down all the yummy roasted bird), and it's no wonder those ladies are dancing and those lords are leaping to those pipers piping and drummers drumming, because they are all blitzed out of their minds!


Read all about it HERE.

The more you know...

Anyhow, now that we've cleared all that up...

FRENCH HEN 1: yet another book launch!

Fittingly, this book is chock full of recipes!


Many of you will know Carrie Seidman from all awesome articles in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. And I'll be sharing a lot more details about Carrie and her book next week, but you'll want to sign up for one of her two launch events asap. Both are free, just click the link and reserve your spot! Copies of A PLACE AT THE TABLE will be available to purchase (and get signed!) at both.

Monday, December 18, at Bookstore1, 5-6pm

Tuesday, December 19, at the Senior Friendship Center, 4:30-6pm


WEDU, the PBS station out of Tampa, recently interviewed me, Scott Ehrenpreis, and his parents to put together this 7-minute feature on the creation of CLOWNS LIKE ME. It turned out great and was featured on their ArtsPlus program.


You can watch the video at their show archive HERE.

FRENCH HEN 3: Ibis author Mark St. Germain has a movie coming out!

So Mark St. Germain--in addition to being the author of the thriller THE MIRROR MAN--is one heck of a playwright. I've had the great honor to both act in his plays and direct them.

And now, one of his plays, FREUD'S LAST SESSION--which had a hugely successful Off-Broadway run--has been turned into a gorgeous film, starring none other than Anthony freakin' Hopkins!


Yep. There he is. In Mark St. Germain's movie. Anthony freakin' Hopkins.

It comes out later this month, and you can check out the full trailer HERE.

Have a great weekend, and enjoy your juicy hens!

Jason "Poultry Overload" Cannon