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Talk about a nightcap...

And a goooood Friday to you.

This is Jason Cannon with Ibis Books, and this week's newsletter is short'n'sweet, especially because in the upcoming weeks there are some biiiiig things a-brewin'!

First, I've still got a couple spots left open in my two upcoming classes at ACE (Adult & Community Enrichment).


My short-fiction class starts up Jan 25, and my micro-memoir class starts March 21. Both are five weeks. Both are live and in-person. Both are wondrously fun ways to spend a Thursday afternoon.

You can register by smacking the big purple button! It'll take you right to the writing classes, and you'll see mine listed along with a bunch of other cool options, in case Thursday afternoons aren't good for you.

I like taking writing classes on Thursday afternoons!

Lastly, for those of you out there who may enjoy a little libation before bed, I came across this bottle in the whiskey aisle of my local shop.


It's funny cuz it's oh so true.

Have a fantastic weekend! If you're a football fan, may your team perform admirably!

But especially the Lions.

Sure, my beloved partner Rebecca and her whole family are from Michigan, so they are suuuuper frothy. But it's the Lions' time. The tears of long-suffering Lions fans could give writers' tears a run for their weepy money.

So go Lions!

Jason "My Tears are 80 Proof" Cannon