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It's time to Be The Protagonist

Another Friday, another launch party. Woo!

This is Jason Cannon with Ibis Books, and one of my greatest joys as a publisher is hearing from my awesome authors after they hold their book for the first time.

This just happened yesterday, because the boxes of copies of BE THE PROTAGONIST arrived, perfectly timed for its launch tomorrow.

I'd say Maria Schaedler-Luera, now first-time published author, was pretty happy...


There is seriously no feeling quite like it!

And that aforementioned launch party is TOMORROW, Saturday, November 18, 1-3pm, hosted by the Sarasota Performing Arts Foundation at Dream Large, and both of those organizations are simply tremendous.

So come on by and buy a copy and meet Maria. She'll totally sign it! And you can even win some prizes!

And hey, if prizes aren't your thing, there will also be snacks and booze. For real.


RSVP for the launch of BE THE PROTAGONIST

SNEAKY SIDENOTE--because you are on this newsletter list, you are getting special early access to the ebook! It's for sale, right now, over at the Ibis Bookstore!

If you want the paperback, you can get that starting tomorrow, either at the launch party or online.


Shhhhh... don't tell Amazon! :)

Also, if you've been keeping up with all the recent launches, you may have read WHO WRECKED THE WITCH-A-THON? and/or THROUGH THE IMPOSSIBLE, and those authors and I thank you!

If you enjoyed them, leaving a review on the ol' Amazon would be super helpful, like this five-star one from "Jeremy" calling THROUGH THE IMPOSSIBLE "an important, informative, and emotional read."

And if Jeremy said it, you know it's true.

One last little treat for you all this week. As a writer/publisher/editor/all-around wordsmither, I get to work on a wide variety of fascinating projects. I recently got hooked up with this really cool company, Startup Savant. They help small business owners and entrepreneurs build their companies with free resources and practical know-how.

They also have a YouTube channel, where they release videos that do deep dives into intriguing business stories. Seriously, check them out, they're slick, funny, and you'll learn something.

Anyhow, I just got my first credit on one of their videos! I'm "Research." I did a really rough first draft that their lead writer then spun into gold--I'm still learning the ropes with this format--but just like Maria holding her book up above, I got that tingly sensation from seeing my name on a cool piece of storytelling!

If you've got an extra eight-and-a-half minutes at some point today, it's a story that's well worth your time.

Here's the direct link: The CEO That Made Investors Flee... Then Saved an Industry Giant.


Ooooh, and there's a twist in the third act!

Whether you read a book, leave a review, attend a launch, win a prize, or watch a video, have a great weekend!

Jason "Research" Cannon