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I've got my acceptance speech around here somewhere...


This is Jason Cannon with Ibis Books, and I have to start out with a big ol' heaping dollop of gratitude.

Because yesterday, the winners of the 2023 BroadwayWorld Awards for Sarasota were announced...


Next year the Awards will legally be able to drink!

...and CLOWNS LIKE ME took home a double-dip!

Our world premiere show, presented by Lifeline Productions (our ongoing mission: to use the power of theatre to tell true stories that de-stigmatize mental illness and normalize mental health), won BEST NEW PLAY OR MUSICAL and also won BEST DIRECTION OF A PLAY.

So Jason-the-Playwright and Jason-the-Director are both flying high this fine morning, but that heaping dollop of gratitude?

That's for all of YOU.

Because these awards are based on votes from audience members, and that means many of you took the time to visit BroadwayWorld and click on CLOWNS LIKE ME.

My buddy and actor Scottie, the whole Lifeline team, and I simply say THANK YOU.

And we've got some further BIG news coming up, and you all will be the first to know!

You can check out all the winners HERE, and just ignore how it says "FSU/Asolo Conservatory" next to our names. Some tech gremlin confused our venue for the producing entity. We are all Lifeline, all the way!


A quick reminder--I've still got a couple spots left open in my two upcoming classes at ACE (Adult & Community Enrichment).


My short-fiction class starts up NEXT WEEK, on Jan 25, and my micro-memoir class starts March 21. Both are five weeks. Both are live and in-person. Both are wondrously fun ways to spend a Thursday afternoon.

You can register by smacking the big purple button! It'll take you right to the writing classes, and you'll see mine listed along with a bunch of other cool options, in case Thursday afternoons aren't good for you.

I like taking writing classes on Thursday afternoons!

And since it worked last week (clearly, email newsletter juju has a measurable impact on NFL playoff scoring outcomes), I must again say: GO LIONS!

Jason "Double-Dolloper" Cannon